Many decades ago, there were people who used to lea d and people who used to follow. No questions asked. Period! People who used to lead used to observe, understand, build and lead. People who used to follow used to observe, understand, build and follow. Life was simple and evolving creatively, wildly!
Then one day there was a storm. A big storm! Everything that people had built was destroyed. The people who used to lead and the people who used to follow were devastated.
Then one day there was a storm. A big storm! Everything that people had built was destroyed. The people who used to lead and the people who used to follow were devastated.
People who used to lead ran helter-skelter. People who used to follow could not follow the people who used to lead and they too ran helter-skelter. They all panicked. They all lost trust. Their attitude towards people who used to lead and people who used to follow changed. Their relationship suffered dents.
The storm subsided eventually and what followed was silence and lull. In the aftermath, the people who used to lead and people who used to follow, gradually began to gather themselves and put together the pieces of their lives, albeit independently. As they started to re-build everything from scratch, they realized that there were something’s that some people did beautifully, effortlessly and happily and some other things that some other people did beautifully, effortlessly and happily. However most people needed most of the things, that most other people did. And so they started re-trusting other people and re-newed their attitude towards other people and re-established their relationships.
The storm subsided eventually and what followed was silence and lull. In the aftermath, the people who used to lead and people who used to follow, gradually began to gather themselves and put together the pieces of their lives, albeit independently. As they started to re-build everything from scratch, they realized that there were something’s that some people did beautifully, effortlessly and happily and some other things that some other people did beautifully, effortlessly and happily. However most people needed most of the things, that most other people did. And so they started re-trusting other people and re-newed their attitude towards other people and re-established their relationships.
Gradually all the people who were good at something started helping other people in achieving that "something". People began to lead and follow based on the situation and they all began to realize that they all could lead as well as follow, based on situations and requirements.
They also realised that the results they were all achieving based on their execution of situational leadership amidst the overwhelming existence of trust-attitude-relationships was adding enormous value. And then it was all bliss, most GOALS scored!

When they reflected back into the period that existed long long ago, they understood that they had all not realized this bliss situation before. They all felt truly 'dumb' about their past. It dawned upon all that the reason why this had happened was their belief that the people who used to lead could not ER and the people who used to follow could not lead. They all realised their ER! In order that they never ever forgot this valuable lesson, they all made a decision that they would henceforth refer to each other as leadERs and followER's and as they moved forward, they would all continually lEaRn from each othER's ER's, to forEveR be in bliss!
its so simple to apprehend and yet so difficult to apply. u gotta be in the process of learning forevER